Quantum Energy Coaching

The Birth of QEC:

The Birth of QEC:

Created by Dr Melanie Salmon, a medical doctor, Gestalt psychotherapist and trauma specialist, QEC is the culmination of a lifetime of searching for the most effective way to heal.

After 40 years of practicing as a medical doctor in South Africa and London, she walked away from her medical practice.

She went on to study TRE (Trauma Release Exercises) and for 8 years was the national TRE trainer in South Africa. She also studied Gestalt Psychotherapy in the UK and the U.S.

She saw small shifts with Gestalt and they often took years. With TRE she witnessed amazing results, however, deep core wounds from trauma, triggered people to revert back to their stressed state.

There had to be another way!

In 2008, Quantum Energy Coaching was born. She shifted her full attention to learning the role of the mind in healing the body.

QEC has been used by Dr. Melanie Salmon and her certified practitioners around the world affecting our vibrant global community to help the most traumatized individuals to live their fullest lives.

I am privileged to have been trained and certified by Dr. Melanie Salmon as an Advanced QEC Practitioner since January 2022.

Dr. Melanie Salmon, MB BCh(Rand)

Quantum Energy Coaching (watch video)

Dr. Melanie Salmon, a South African-trained medical doctor, was frustrated that many of her patients with psycho-emotional conditions were not getting their needs met with the use of pharmaceuticals.

After 40 years of practicing as a medical doctor in South Africa and London, she walked away from her medical practice.

She went on to study TRE (Trauma Release Exercises) and for 8 years was the national TRE trainer in South Africa. She also studied Gestalt Psychotherapy in the UK and the U.S.

She saw small shifts with Gestalt and they often took years. With TRE she witnessed amazing results, however, deep core wounds from trauma, triggered people to revert back to their stressed state.

There had to be another way!

In 2008, Quantum Energy Coaching was born. She shifted her full attention to learning the role of the mind in healing the body.

QEC has been used by Dr. Melanie Salmon and her certified practitioners around the world affecting our vibrant global community to help the most traumatized individuals to live their fullest lives.

I am privileged to have been trained with, and certified by, Dr. Melanie Salmon as a QEC Practitioner since January 2022.

Fran's Story:

Fran Gourdet was born in the Bahamas, to Haitian parents, raised in NYC, and is now living in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, with a beautiful brain!

In 2015, Fran discovered Amen Clinics and was diagnosed with ADD. After reading the book, "Women with ADD," by Sori Solden, she realized "It's not my fault!" and that she was not alone.

She didn't have a handicap: She had a challenge. She decided to overcome and heal her brain by following a special diet, changing her thinking pattern, and overcoming limiting beliefs.

Fran empowers those she works with by teaching them the options they have to reach wholeness using their unique strengths.

Fran is a life-long learner of health and healing. She says, "Teaching others to reach their highest potential and magnify their purpose by encouraging them with tools, resources, knowledge, and confidence to take control of their health, has been a lifelong passion of mine."

She lives in northeast Pennsylvania and enjoys taking walks with her neighbors and Tunisian Crochet.


· Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Health Coach

· AHEAD MAP™ Coach (MTGA) of the IADFW with Dr. Rashid Buttar

· Abide Network Counselor Helper/Coach with Dr. Jennifer J. Schwirzer

· Advanced Quantum Energy Coach (QEC) with Dr. Melanie Salmon.

What is It and How Does It Work?

Quantum Energy Coaching, or QEC, is a groundbreaking method that combines the principles of human connection and neuroplasticity. This transformative journey allows you to break free from past traumas, internal stress, and self-limiting beliefs in a manner that's safe, swift, and effective.

  • You Are In Charge: With QEC, you have total control over your healing journey. You get to decide what you work on and the pace you're comfortable with.

  • Conscious Participation: No hypnosis is involved in QEC because you are consciously engaged in the process. Your complete awareness during every session ensures it is fully safe and effective.

  • Flexibility: QEC offers versatility quite unlike traditional therapies, with sessions that can be conducted both online and in-person as per your preference.

  • No Side Effects: Given that you take charge of your healing journey, there are no side effects to worry about.

So, are you excited to tap into the transformative power and boundless potential of Quantum Energy Coaching?

Embrace the golden years of your journey with my specialized support designed particularly for adults entering the retirement phase. Together, we can meet and master any unexplored challenges that lay ahead.

It's time to start this healing adventure towards a healthier, brighter, more radiant you.

Contact Me

P.O. Box 273

Bartonsville, PA 18321

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