Frequently Asked Questions

The Birth of QEC:

What is QEC?

Quantum: This means it makes profound, often imperceptible changes in your subconscious mind - the part of your brain that works without you even thinking about it. Like tiny quantum particles, these changes are small but powerful.

Energy: Your emotions are like energy. They can be positive, like happiness, or negative, like sadness. QEC helps you shift your emotional energy to feel better and live better.

Coaching: Unlike counseling or having a mentor, coaching puts you in charge of your own growth. As your coach, I guide and support you, but you decide what changes to make. This way, your transformation is personal and powerful.

Is It Like Hypnosis?

No, QEC is not hypnosis.

While both QEC and hypnosis work with the subconscious mind, they are distinct in their methods and objectives.

Key Differences:


QEC: Uses principles from neuroscience, Gestalt therapy, and kinesiology to rewire the brain and replace negative beliefs with positive ones.

Hypnosis: Typically uses guided relaxation and focused attention to achieve a trance state, allowing the hypnotherapist to make suggestions for change.


QEC: You remain fully in control of the process, making conscious decisions about the changes you want to implement.

Hypnosis: The hypnotherapist takes a more directive role, guiding you through the process and making suggestions to your subconscious mind.

State of Consciousness:

QEC: Involves a relaxed, yet fully conscious state where you actively participate in identifying and reprogramming limiting beliefs.

Hypnosis: Often involves a trance-like state where the hypnotherapist provides suggestions to the subconscious mind.


QEC: Aims to create lasting change by addressing core issues at the subconscious level, promoting overall well-being and personal growth.

Hypnosis: Often focuses on specific issues or behaviors, such as quitting smoking or reducing anxiety, through direct suggestions.

How is QEC different from other talk therapies?

Traditional talk therapies, such as counselling and psychotherapy, work by exploring environmental factors, like your past and present, that could be causing your unhappiness. By unpacking these negative experiences, the hope is that a new level of awareness around the issue might be reached - a new way of seeing things that can bring about healing and closure. This process can take a long time - perhaps even years - for someone to make substantial shifts in thinking and behavior, for the simple reason that the process engages the conscious part of the mind. 

QEC works deeper, with the powerful ‘supercomputer’ that is the subconscious mind. It is here that we store our deepest beliefs, the ones that shape who we are and how we believe the world to be. Working with the subconscious allows for changes that are much more rapid and lasting. Using the neuroplasticity of the brain, QEC ‘rewires’ our neural pathways, freeing us from the limitations of our past.

How Many Sessions Do I Need?

QEC usually begins with four sessions and a review on the fourth session. The exact number of sessions needed varies based on individual needs. Since we focus on the subconscious mind, the process is often quicker and doesn’t require long-term commitment. However, some individuals may find that they need more than four sessions to achieve their desired outcomes.

What Does a QEC Session Look Like?

A typical QEC session lasts about 90 minutes. We start by exploring your concerns using Gestalt-inspired communication, which takes up about half the session. Once we're clear on what the issues are for the session, we work together to create powerful sentences for change. Kind of like affirmations or declarations.

The installation phase is where miracles happen. You'll be guided through a specific breathing technique, sit in a special "whole brain" position, and focus on feeling grateful. This creates a special rapid brainwave state, allowing the installation of the new beliefs you've chosen in about 20-30 seconds. This process literally rewires your brain.

Throughout the entire session, you're fully awake and actively participating. It's a collaborative journey where we work together to create lasting change in your subconscious mind.

What do you mean Gestalt-Inspired?

Since I am not a therapist, and this isn't therapy, I use a coaching method that draws inspiration from Gestalt principles to help you gain insights and make positive changes in your life. We'll work together to explore your challenges and find solutions that align with your values and goals.

Our conversations will be open and honest. I'll pay close attention to your words, body language, and emotions, encouraging you to fully express your feelings and experiences when you are comfortable doing so.

This approach allows us to dive deep into your experiences while maintaining a supportive, coaching-focused relationship. It's all about empowering you to understand yourself better and make the changes you desire.

If at any point I feel your needs would be better served by a licensed mental health professional, I'll let you know and can provide referrals if needed.

What do you mean by "re-wiring" my brain? Isn't that hypnosis?

Actually, our brains naturally rewires themselves through our experiences, which is a process known as neuroplasticity.

Note that your brain has already been "rewired" by past traumas and experiences without your permission, which has led to the negative patterns you are now experiencing. 

QEC offers you the opportunity to consciously, and positively, rewire your brain. This empowers you to take control and consciously make positive changes. Consider Romans 12:2 that informs us that we are transformed by the "renewing the mind." The conformity that we warned of might very well be the previous negative rewiring we've experience.

As noted above QEC differs from hypnosis in its approach, control, state of consciousness and focus.

Quantum Energy Coaching (watch video)

Dr. Melanie Salmon, a South African-trained medical doctor, was frustrated that many of her patients with psycho-emotional conditions were not getting their needs met with the use of pharmaceuticals.

After 40 years of practicing as a medical doctor in South Africa and London, she walked away from her medical practice.

She went on to study TRE (Trauma Release Exercises) and for 8 years was the national TRE trainer in South Africa. She also studied Gestalt Psychotherapy in the UK and the U.S.

She saw small shifts with Gestalt and they often took years. With TRE she witnessed amazing results, however, deep core wounds from trauma, triggered people to revert back to their stressed state.

There had to be another way!

In 2008, Quantum Energy Coaching was born. She shifted her full attention to learning the role of the mind in healing the body.

QEC has been used by Dr. Melanie Salmon and her certified practitioners around the world affecting our vibrant global community to help the most traumatized individuals to live their fullest lives.

I am privileged to have been trained with, and certified by, Dr. Melanie Salmon as a QEC Practitioner since January 2022.

Fran's Story:

Fran Gourdet was born in the Bahamas, to Haitian parents, raised in NYC, and is now living in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, with a beautiful brain!

In 2015, Fran discovered Amen Clinics and was diagnosed with ADD. After reading the book, "Women with ADD," by Sori Solden, she realized "It's not my fault!" and that she was not alone.

She didn't have a handicap: She had a challenge. She decided to overcome and heal her brain by following a special diet, changing her thinking pattern, and overcoming limiting beliefs.

Fran empowers those she works with by teaching them the options they have to reach wholeness using their unique strengths.

Fran is a life-long learner of health and healing. She says, "Teaching others to reach their highest potential and magnify their purpose by encouraging them with tools, resources, knowledge, and confidence to take control of their health, has been a lifelong passion of mine."

She lives in northeast Pennsylvania and enjoys taking walks with her neighbors and Tunisian Crochet.


· Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Health Coach

· AHEAD MAP™ Coach (MTGA) of the IADFW with Dr. Rashid Buttar

· Abide Network Counselor Helper/Coach with Dr. Jennifer J. Schwirzer

· Advanced Quantum Energy Coach (QEC) with Dr. Melanie Salmon.

Contact Me

P.O. Box 273

Bartonsville, PA 18321

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